Business & Tech

VIDEO Cleveland Heights Business Owners, Claim Your Listing

Business owners with claimed directory listings can update photos and other information on the site — for free.

Do you own a business in Cleveland Heights?

You may already know that Cleveland Heights Patch has a comprehensive directory with listings for the businesses in town, but you may not know that you can take control of your listing — for free.

That’s right — we want you to claim your listing and make it your own.

Business owners who claim their listings can add additional details and post new photos. You can also update some of the existing information on your page. For example, if your hours have changed or you’ve expanded the services you offer, you can change it right away if you’ve claimed your listing.

And once you have a Patch account, you can also post events, announcements and classifieds. You can also use your account to signup for the free Cleveland Heights Patch e-mail newsletter and blog.

To claim your listing, click the "Places" tab and find your business. Once you're on your listing, look for the “Claim it!” link under the photos. If there aren't any photos, the link will be near the top of the right side of the listing. We've included this instructional video to help you, too.

We’ll ask you for your name, your role at the company, a phone number and whether you’re authorized to represent the organization on Patch — we want to make sure that only owners or someone they authorize are in charge of updating the listing.

If your business is missing from the directory or if you have any questions, email Editor Michelle Simakis or Ad Manager Joe Strailey.

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